3/31/22 2:49 a.m."Oh, My Children! I'm in need of your love. I thirst for your love."
"When you reach out to your neighbor with My Holy Love, you reach out to Me. When you love your brothers and sisters in Christ, you love Me."
"When you tend to the needs of your family, you tend to My Needs. When you meet the needs of a stranger, you meet My Needs."
"When you carry My Holy Love in your heart, you carry Me. When you bring My Holy Love to others, you bring Me. When you give away My Holy Love to others, you give away Me."
"Spread My Holy Love in all that you think, and say, and do. I will supply an abundant and overflowing wellspring of My Holy Love in your heart, because I dwell in you."
"I love you, My Precious Children, I love you! I bless you, My Vessels of Holy Love, I bless you! Halleluia, Halleluia, Amen!"