Sunday, April 2, 2017

Eucharistic Miracle

                I went on my first ACTS (Adoration, Community, Theology, Service) retreat twelve years ago.  It was our second Women’s ACTS retreat for our beloved parish.  Before the retreat, I didn’t think my walk with the Lord could get any better or closer.  I was so wrong!  It seems to me that God never runs out of intimate ways to reveal Himself to us.

                I had experienced many beautiful, powerful encounters with Jesus growing up in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.  I participated in weekly prayer meetings with my mother, and then on my own in college, and after I got married.  I witnessed first hand God’s incredible healing love poured forth abundantly upon His people.  In amazement and wonder, I soaked it all in.  I went into the ACTS retreat convinced that my relationship with Jesus was all that it could be.  Little did I know that God’s will for me was quite different.  I cannot get over His tender mercy, faithfulness, and patience with me.

                The ACTS retreat was the perfect setting to draw even closer to God.  James 4:8a says, “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.”  I experienced Jesus drawing near both spiritually, on Saturday night, and physically on Sunday morning.

                During the dinner on Saturday night, I remember thinking that it would have been nice to drink wine instead of grape juice.  I literally had not slept for two nights due to my over-excitement just being at the retreat.  I acknowledged the small sacrifice we were making, by drinking grape juice, even though I would have preferred to make that evening more special with wine.

                Back in my room, I tried to fall asleep, and couldn’t.  I lay for several hours until finally I got down on my knees to pray, with the intention of asking Jesus why I couldn’t fall asleep.  That was all the Lord needed.  He had been waiting for me.  He had something new to show me.  In the Renewal, the Lord blessed many people with visions to confirm the reality of His love for us and to aid in our healing.  I had been content with the fact that I did not have the gift of seeing visions.  I figured that the Lord knew best what I needed, and that it wasn’t necessary for my faith in Jesus.

 But, Oh!, I didn’t know what I was missing!  James 1:17a says, “all good giving and every perfect gift  is from above, coming down from the Father of lights,…”  My spiritual life took on a whole new dimension that night.  I could see things with the eyes of my heart that I could not see before.  My prayer life will never be the same.  Luke 11:13 says, “If you then, who are wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?"

On Sunday morning at the 10:30 return Mass in the cafeteria, Jesus drew near once again.  I will never forget the tears of joy in her eyes, when a dear friend of mine, who had been at the retreat and who was a Eucharistic Minister, told me how afraid she was of running out of wine during Holy Communion.  She only had two sips left in the chalice, and she still had a long line of retreatants to serve.  The tears ran down her cheeks as she told me how the cup of wine, Jesus’ Blood, did not run dry.  She kept looking into the chalice, expecting it to be empty, but there was always enough wine for the next person.  I recalled the sensation of wine bubbling up from the bottom of the cup when I took a sip.  I was struck by the thought that Jesus took our grape juice sacrifice over the weekend, and turned it into an abundant wine blessing, a miracle!

                I learned from my ACTS retreat that there are new heights of joy to discover in knowing Jesus.  There are surprising depths of love yet to experience, and there is an unshakable peace in seeking and doing God’s will that never grows old.

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