Tuesday, April 16, 2024

My Holy Spirit unites us

4/16/24  3:34 a.m.

"Oh, My Children!  Blessed be My Holy Name forever!  You are always with Me because I Am always with you.  We are inseparable in a holy union of love."

"I belong to you, and you belong to Me.  My Holy Spirit unites us.  You are as much a part of Me as I Am part of you."

"I became like you, so you could become like Me.  I became sin as I hung on My Cross, so you could share in My Divinity."

"I conquered sin, death, and Satan.  I rose from the dead, victorious!"

"I love you, My Precious Child, I love you!  I bless you with all of My Heart, I bless you!  Alleluia, Alleluia, Amen!"

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