Monday, May 20, 2024

Carrier of My Holy Spirit

5/20/24  6:14 a.m.

"Oh, My Children!  Blessed be My Holy Name forever!  I come down to you from on high.  I bring you My Heavenly Gifts and My Blessings."

"Look up to Me.  I Am your Savior.  I sacrificed Myself on My Cross out of love for you.  My Precious Blood washes away your sins."

"I purify you and make you holy.  Your humility and repentance leads to my forgiveness and raising you up.  I fortify you with My Holy Spirit to do My Will."

"I love you, My Precious Child, I love you!  I bless you, the carrier of My Holy Spirit, I bless you!  Alleluia, Alleluia, Amen!"

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