Monday, November 6, 2023

Be with Me

11/6/23  2:47 a.m.

"Oh, My Children!  You are Mine, and I Am yours.  I will never let you go.  You are a blessing to Me, My Precious Child.  I see you through My Holy Agape Loving Eyes!"

"You are skillfully and wonderfully made by My Own Hands.  Rejoice that you are formed in My Holy Image!  I have a marvelous plan to redeem you."

"I want you back with Me, forever.  I want you now, every moment, to be with Me.  You are a citizen of My Heavenly Kingdom, both in Heaven and on Earth."

"Walk with Me.  Be with Me."

"I love you, My Beloved Child of My Heart, I love you!  I bless you, Vessel of My Love, I bless you!  Alleluia, Alleluia, Amen!"

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