Sunday, April 17, 2022

Easter Sunday

4/17/22  3:41 a.m.

"Oh, My Children!  Halleluia!  I Am Risen!  I Am Risen from the dead.  You have every reason to rejoice!"

"Rejoice in Me.  I love to fill you with My Holy Joy.  I lift up your soul to My Heavenly Father, that He may kiss you with His Heavenly Blessings."

"Because I Am Renewed, you are renewed.  You are not the same as before.  You are a new creation in My Holy Image."

"You are an Easter People.  You are My Easter People.  You are Mine, and I Am Yours."

"I give My Resurrected Self to you today.  Take Me inside your heart.  I will shine My Holy Love through you!"

"I love you, My Precious Children, I love you!  I bless you, My Holy Vessels of Light, I bless you!  Halleluia, Halleluia, Amen!"

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